Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I remember...

Well, I remember alot of stuff, and I really want to keep remembering it, but as I ease into the Golden Years of my thirties, I've had this revelation: All the best things I did (well, most of them), and most of the really interesting things I've seen and places I've been to, all the really wonderful parts of what combined to make me who I am, all that happened more than half my life ago, and it's starting to get chopped down to images, lists of plot points, solid little framed ideas of what I used to remember. My brain's getting full-up, and I want to keep hold of all the good and bad and me things that are stored there.

So I'm going to write it all down. And you can't stop me. So there.

Some of it will just be me describing those images, the early memories, the eroded parts that remain of things I haven't thought about in ages. Some of it will be much more detailed, better understood and more recent memories. Some of it's probably going to be almost entirely made up as I replace lost memories with better things that make better stories, or rearrange facts without realizing it. Dude, I'm a writer. It's what I do.

And one day, this is going to be a book, because one day, everything I ever think is going to be a book, and it'll be awesome. Probably, I'll get feedback from the family about it all-- I've already sent an envelope of something like a hundred and fifty questions to my mom to get her writing her own memoirs, and my sister and brother and sometimes even my dad are answering them, too, when they can, and I'll be doing that, eventually, and that will be a book, too. This is just how I remember things pertaining to me, and I won't even pretend that it's not slanted. It's entirely slanted. It's slanted so much it's practically a flat line that leads all the way back to my brith, when my first memories started forming, and I'm pretty sure I opened my eyes for the first time and went, "Damn, I wish I knew how to write so I could document this moment", except everyone mistook it for a first wail. I have pictures my dad took; it's obvious that I was looking forward to knowing how to write.

So tune in for the inside of my head!

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